Monday, August 10, 2009

Heat Wave

Man, it is really freakin' hot in my apartment. The dog has been hiding in some secret less hot corner of the closet all day and I've been sitting in front of the fan with one of those spritzing water bottles in my underwear.

Too much sharing?

We rocked it at Staten Island this weekend. Exhibit A:

For me the highlight is the very end, thanks to AJ. You'll have to watch it to see what I mean.

We also played the Antifolk Fest last night at Sidewalk Cafe, which was a bit of a disappointing homecoming for me.... the energy just wasn't there in the beginning of the set. However, at some point you just have to say f*#% it and start your own mosh pit.

If you're interested in joining my ongoing mosh pit, come out tomorrow at 9:30ish - we're playing The Charleston on Bedford Avenue in Williamsburg.

Oh, and I've been uploading videos from our shows to our new youtube channel:

I've been having a little trouble with the quality and streaming (especially when I use Safari as my browser...go figure) and a little tip I heard was that if the videos are jumpy add one of these strings to the end of the URL -


I don't know what it does, from a technical standpoint, but usually it works if your videos are jumpy or skipping. I'm here to help, people.

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